研究介绍 | ![]() |
研究原子、分子和团簇在同步辐射、飞秒激光、自由电子激光下的激发、电离、Auger电子发射和解离等过程。原子分子是化学反应中的最小单元,原子、分子和团簇是研究量子多体问题的理想体系。原则上所有的微观反应过程都可以统一用电子和原子核在不同时空尺度上的运动来表述,但是处于激发态的多尺度量子多体问题求解一直难于得到解决。同步辐射提供能量从几十到几千电子伏的高度单色化的光子,可以精确选择激发态;飞秒激光下时间依赖的强激光场提供了研究动态过程和操控反应过程的手段,而自由电子激光结合了同步辐射和飞秒激光的优点。我们的目标是直接观察微观体系在反应中的电子和原子的实时运动。 |
发表文章 | ![]() |
01. Liu, X.J., et al., Disentangling Auger decays in O2 by photoelectron-ion coincidences. Scientific Reports, 2017. 7. 2898 02. Liu, X.J., C. Nicolas, and C. Miron, In situ correction of the spherical aberration in a double-toroidal electron analyzer. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017. 88. 023110 03. Nagaya, K., et al., Femtosecond charge and molecular dynamics of I-containing organic molecules induced by intense X-ray free-electron laser pulses. Faraday Discussions, 2016. 194: p. 537-562. 04. Liu, X.J., et al., Einstein-Bohr recoiling double-slit gedanken experiment performed at the molecular level. Nature Photonics, 2015. 9: p. 120-125. 05. Liu, X.J., C. Nicolas, and C. Miron, Design of a lens table for a double toroidal electron spectrometer. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2013. 84. 033105 06. Fukuzawa, H., et al., Deep Inner-Shell Multiphoton Ionization by Intense X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Pulses. Physical Review Letters, 2013. 110. 173005 07. Lucchese, R.R., et al., Asymmetry in the molecular-frame photoelectron angular distribution for oxygen 1s photoemission from CO2. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2012. 45. 194014 08. Ouchi, T., et al., Three-Electron Interatomic Coulombic Decay from the Inner-Valence Double-Vacancy States in NeAr. Physical Review Letters, 2011. 107. 053401 09. Liu, X.J., et al., Breakdown of the two-step model in K-shell photoemission and subsequent decay probed by the molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions of CO2. Physical Review Letters, 2008. 101. 083001 10. Liu, X.J., et al., Internal inelastic scattering satellite probed by molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions from CO(2). Physical Review Letters, 2008. 101. 023001 |